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A way to run Flash Content after 2020[Might type more to this.][NOTE: If you have Flash Content, you can post it onto BlueMaxima's Flashpoint (or convert it). Look at the last part for links relating to Flashpoint. If your unable to and need help, feel free to ask and help I shall. ]Quick StuffThere are place and people that saved flash, but if your someone who still wants to run a flash game, animation, or such in your browser, and it's neither saved nor protected by website or people preserving them (either personal reasons or wanting to help with this endeavor in some manner), then check out these links, as they'll tell you how to do so. :Linkshttps://www.webnots.com/7-ways-to-disable-automatic-chrome-update-in-windows-and-mac/(This is shows you how to disable automatic update of chromehttps://www.upsidelearning.com/blog/2020/05/18/can-you-play-flash-after-2020-this-is-how/#:~:text=It's%20year%202020%2C%20and%2C%20as,Flash%20Player%20after%20December%202020.&text=So%20if%20users%20don't,be%20able%20to%20run%20Flash.(This is tells you about being able to still run Flash Contenthttps://www.upsidelearning.com/blog/2020/05/18/can-you-play-flash-after-2020-this-is-how(Same thing, but not highlighted, just incase the link was giving you issuesFurther NoteI woke up today, feeling pretty good after staying up for over a day (no joke sadly), doing the exact same thing (aside from occasional minor breaks), I can't really say I would recommend doing that. Anyways, I thought to see if flash was still working (don't know why, but felt like it), and to my wonderful shock what should appear, but a coloring tutorial by xdanond, and many wonderful things. (Couldn't resist sorry. XDSo I looked up about this mystery, and (based on aforementioned links), found out that if you have a Flash Player and use a browser version that works with Flash, then your Flash Merry Days will be happy indeed. This is the version of Google I'm usingVersion 87.0.4280.88 (Official Build) (64-bitSome websites are using a program called Ruffle be able to still run Flash related stuff, such as armorgames, newsgrounds, and kongregate. Not sure if DeviantArt will or not though, still to hear back from themThere's some groups of people that are preserving Flash content as well, such as Flashpoint (think it's called?)Links to BlueMaxima's Flashpoint:https://bluemaxima.org/flashpoint/ https://bluemaxima.org/flashpoint/datahub/Curation_Tutorial...
[If you see me reposting this, sorry about that, just trying to help Flash Artists and Appreciators out there. :) ]
Hi, I need to develop a dress up game. How much would it cost, and is there anyone willing to take the job? Please contact me.
  Hey there! My friend is having a lot of trouble with Flash CS4. It will just randomly crash oh her, making her lose her work if she forgot to save a few seconds prior. No animator shouldn't have to deal with crap like this. If would be amazing if she could get some assistance from somebody here!
  Some extra information btw: She's noticed that when she uploads images into the program, it's more likely to crash.
so you guys basicly make flash games?
I need help making enemies die when I shoot them in a flash platform shooter! I need scripters or someone to tell me how to do this! Please help!!!
Do any one of you use xml files? My fash calls for xml files, but it does not work when I submitted it deviantart ([link]). But when I opened the swf file from my desktop, it works fine. Is it even related to my as3 coding?
Hello, quick question: was about to submit to the group but noticed a that I can only submit to Featured. Is this normal in the group? o.o